Wednesday, July 31, 2013


By  Moises M. Antunes "Wima the Poet"

Nelson  Rolihlahla Mandela “Madiba”

Nelson Mandela, today the whole world celebrates your day
Because you saw light where only darkness we could see
You sacrificed your life to give hope to a nation once hopeless
 You led the long walk to freedom with non-violence
In the midst of terror carried by the former regime
                                        against unarmed people

As I walk today, I shall walk towards my freedom
As I speak, I shall speak of hope, unity and Ubuntu
As I think, I shall think of others first before myself
As I dream, I shall dream of a nation led by leaders
Who put people’s needs first just like you did

I am deeply inspired and you ignited my dream
A dream to conquer Africa’s second liberation
The economic freedom of all people in Africa
The eradication of misery and poverty

My dream to have a continent with more leaders
Who serve the people, for people and by people
A dream to evaporate racism, xenophobia and tribalism
Because they still divides us in the peril silence

A dream to dismantle hidden racial system in the corporate sector
Because this is where racism is still breathing and surviving
Here is where, discrimination takes place and go unnoticed

A dream to see a self-sustained and strong African Union
Capable to find effective solutions for Africa’s pressing issues
To avoid, foreign meddling in the Africa’s affairs
So that, we avoid scenes of Libya, Congo and Egypt

Nelson Mandela, your name is a sword
Against those who discriminate and oppress others
Nelson Mandela, your voice belongs to those
Who cannot freely express their opinions and rights

Nelson Mandela, I sent a butterfly on your window
To cheer and say thank you for all that you have done
I sent drizzles to wet your window, tears of appreciation
I sent a bird to sing happy birthday Tata Madiba!

You set an example of a true people’s politician
Those who do not follow your example are degrading
The real meaning and relevance of a politician
Thanks to you, good politicians are there and people know them
Thanks to you, today South Africa is a rainbow nation
Thanks to your, today South Africa is the most dynamic democratic state

I know the walk is still long but you inspired South Africans and Africans
To get there at all cost, removing obstacles in the way
You inspired young and old generations in Africa and the world
To stand against walls of oppression and discrimination

You motivated armies that fight to defend your legacy
Whenever, your legacy is being compromised
Because it is your legacy that makes South Africa a great nation
A non-sexist, non-racial and democratic country
Which belongs to all who live in it,
Foreign nationals



Written on Mandela’s day to celebrate his life and his legacy| July 2013

Moises M. Antunes “Wima the Poet”

All rights reserved @ Wima the Poet, 2013.

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